A bond between a Mother and a Child

What a women goes through before and after having a child is a miracle. Having a child is a blessing and a whole new way of life.

After a child is born a women faces many challenges physically and mentally. When a woman gives birth she needs to heal tremendously and mentally she realizes she just became a mom. She realizes that the last 9 months she spent with someone is now over.

A women's body goes through a lot before she delivers, weight gain, motion sickness, water gain, nausea, cravings, mood swings, dr. visits and shots. When she delivers the shild she now faces new challenges like losing the weight, taking care of herself and not only the baby, nuture this child and face the responsiblities.

Some women are happy , excited, and some reach postpartum. She must get check by a doctor or midwife within a week or two. As for her and her new child live life from now on caring, loving and bonding with each other.

They are called mother and child, a bond that can never be broken. When raising this child is hard enough sometimes there are more responsiblities for the mom. She is faced with this child forever. No turning back and no returning her/him. The mother will have this child for the rest of her life.

She needs to love, teach, praise, feed, clothe, house, care and most of all LOVE this child. Children don't disappear or hide they are with the mom for 24/7 unless she goes back to work. A child needs its mom no matter what ages/stages, newborn, toddler, adolscent or an adult.

The mother needs to take care of herself as well as this child. She needs to get out and spend time alone, join a gym, join the community, or som e go back to work to have a social life. Most causes for depression are known fact for women who do not have a social life.

A new mom has just giving birth and now has 2 instead of one to provide for so that is a lot of work. Raising a child is not only a lot of work, time, money, stress, worries, commitment and responsilbities but a friendship that can not be broken. These are my honest words and experience.

Contributed by:~Photohappymama


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