Significance of Meta tags and Key words

What are Meta tags:
Meta tags are a code used in the web page programming (both HTML & JAVA). They are not visible when a web page is being viewed by a browser. However the search engines use the Meta tags to categorise and classify the content of the web page. Web masters use Meta tags for better placement of their pages on the search engines.

What are commonly used Meta tags:
1. Keywords: This Meta Taget of keywords (with a comma after each keyword)

2 Description: Meta Tag gives description of web page's highlights .

3. Title: Defines the title of the web page. (some authors don't consider this as a Meta tag.)

Other less significant metatags:

4. Author: This tag defines who wrote the web page.

5. Generator: This tag defines the program used to create the web page.

6. Robot: This allows a page to be indexed or not to be indexed by search engine..

Where should be the Meta tags located on the Web page:
Any HTML document (web page) consists of a Header portion and a Body section. The information located in the Header is used by search engines. So meta tags should be located in the and the portion.This has t be included for all pages. For framed pages include META TAGS on all individual framed pages and NOT merely on frame set page.

How to use Title, Description and Keywords in the Meta tags:
The Title tag must accurately define the content on the web page. The description tag must in 1-2 short sentences give the gist of your page. The Keyword tag in about 8-15 'key'words should highlight the most significant aspects of the page. If we were to define the Meta tags for this article they would be;


Society (19) Family (18) health (8) humour (6) computers (5) Art (4) writing (4) Religion (3) Music (1) Science (1)