Laughter Really Is the Best Medicine

Children laugh or smile about 400 times a day. Adults only laugh 15 times or less.

If the classic adage, "It takes a village to raise a child," is correct, I think my family could register as a village. Our clan consists of me, my husband, our seven children, ages 8-2 years (and no, none of them are twins), and another baby due in 5 weeks, and of course, our recent spur of the moment acquisition of 2, 6 wk old puppies. I have one word for you…Humour.

So, where were we? Ah, yes, the village. Well, my husband and I, despite the ever-growing population in our household have I'm sure one of the best relationships that parents could ever have. The key ingredient I believe to maintain such a happy and blissful marriage is laughter.

"We cannot really love anybody with whom we can never laugh."
- Agnes Repplier

The definition of laughter is the act of laughing. I am married to a comedian. (Well at least he thinks he is.) My favourite thing is when I go head to head with him in a sarcasm war and his reply to me is, "So when are your comedy tour tickets going on sale?" I will never win. This I know. When I first met, my husband he and I always laughed so hard and so much that I actually began to get some serious stomach muscles happening. To this day, I still maintain this great reward of our relationship. We love sitting and talking for hours about the sunny side of life. Kids are a great example to use on this. Just sharing their day-to-day quips is smile producing alone. This just goes to prove that humour has its place in a relationship.

For my 27th birthday this past August, my husband who is generally excellent at remembering dates and special occasions goofed when he bought a number 2 and 6 candle to place on my cake. It wasn't until our 8 year old son said, "Wait, she is 27." With that my husband come out of the bedroom in a blind panic where he and all the kids were diligently wrapping presents, and said to me, " Hold on, how old are you today? 26 right?" When I told him no, 27… he just replied looking a bit confused, "Are you sure?" Yep, I sure am, I'm not going to forget that. Then, about 30 min later when we all sat down to have the birthday cake, out he comes with the cake and the candles reading 62…ha! He thought it would be funnier than making the 26 goofs. I cannot wait until HIS next birthday…

"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter."
- E.E.Cummings

There is no telling what sort of email we will get in our inbox from each other. We love to send one another little reminders that we are not going to forget the funny banter we throw back and forth all the time. We can poke fun at each other and the joke will last for weeks. We are major movie lovers and regularly go to the movie theatre. Funny movie quotes will keep us rolling out the giggles for a long time. Sometimes though, it is more fun to watch him watch the movie than actually watching it myself. To see that look of pure delight on his face is enough to make me smile.

"You can't stay mad at somebody who makes you laugh."
- Jay Leno

Laughter is such a good way to gage how much you will enjoy each other's company in the long term. When we go out, we always notice how unhappy people look; couples in general. They just do not exude happiness. I find it sad to think not every couple in a relationship whether or not they are married or have kids do not have the same kind of happiness and laughter in their lives. It does take work, but once you get the hang of it, it will take you places you could not imagine.

The Discovery Health Institute says that laughter is healthy and has many benefits such as reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, and increasing oxygen in the blood. Laughter is the formula to a happier and healthier lifestyle and I just do not see it being enforced in many relationships. My husband and I disagree of course, as any couple in a relationship does, but we never argue, and therefore we never go to bed in a hostile manner with each other. Sure, we both are stressed… that is part of a marriage and raising a family and the chaos of daily life, but thru laughter we cure each other from it. I wake up each morning knowing I can look over at my husband, and smile; and I do. What a great way to start the day off.

"Laughter is the shortest distance between two people."
- Victor Borge

Our 'village' here on the home front makes us both a bit stronger and refreshed each day. Family life is important, and children make it all the more critical to exhibit such a happy and joyous lifestyle. It is no wonder we have such a great relationship. Laughter has brought us together since day one and keeps us alive and going strong and will do for many, many more years to come.

Contributed by: Amanda Goodall

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